Absolute Greatness!
Sonic 2 is considered by many to be the best Sonic game. Christian Whiteheads remake here is a thing of beauty! Having the same graphics, but making them more silky smooth (Play the Bonus Stages in the original or a port of the original then the ones in this remake and youll see what I mean!) as well as adding a plethora of new features! My favorite is the addition of my favorite lost Sonic Zone, Hidden Palace! Ive always wanted an official level of it, because it is gorgeous, and the one provided is everything I could have wanted in the stage! The controls are a bit off, (not enough to make the game less enjoyable, though) I suppose, though, I am playing on a Smart Phone, so it would be expected... I can only hope Whitehead gets to my favorite in the series, Sonic 3... Maybe someday...
Someoneelsexgseh about
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Classic, v3.1.10